How Do you Want to Live?
I spent 15 years of my life dieting, obsessing, trying to fix myself — which I
thought was self-care!
Fifteen years of depriving and feeling miserable. The more I dieted the less
I connected with myself, trusted myself, my body, my gut, & the less I
actually took care of ME.
Here’s what I know:
Diets are external rules, eating prescriptions made by people who have
never met you, do not know you, what you need, what you like.
Self-care is a loving response to your internal needs in the moment. Self-
care is personal, individual, flexible, fluid.
Diets are one size fits all.
Self-care says: I hear you. What do you need? How can I help?
Diets say, You have to have an apple for Breakfast on Monday. Those are
the rules.
Self-care is compassionate. Open. Intuitive.
Diets are rigid.
Self-care is expansive.
Diets are restrictive.
How do you want to live?
Ready to stop dieting and start living? Send me a message and let’s talk.