What’s Weird?
Yup, let that stuff shine! Those pieces of us that we may have been teased about, made to feel were not ok, ran/hid from — are the most delicious and authentic parts of us. Growing up, I was told I was too sensitive, but later, that “weirdness” translated into me being really effective at listening, teaching and coaching!
Some of my other weirdnesses:
~ Instead of drinking coffee in the am, I eat chocolate.
~ I’ve been journaling for nearly 30 years; I’m also a compulsive list maker!
~ I use my refrigerator like a bulletin board. It’s covered with “stuff.”
Someday soon I’ll post a pic.
Although not always easy…I say…let’s embrace, without apology, our quirks, our weird, our wonderful “us-ness.” I’m here with you on this wild, bumpy, challenging, staying-on-our-own-side ride ❤
What were you made to feel “weird” about that you now embrace?