Image of meme with words "Embrace your Weirdness" in crossword Scrabble letters.

What’s Weird?

Yup, let that stuff shine! Those pieces of us that we may have been teased about, made to feel were not ok, ran/hid from — are the most delicious and authentic parts of us. Growing up, I was told I was too sensitive, but later, that “weirdness” translated into me being really effective at listening, teaching and coaching!

Some of my other weirdnesses:
~ Instead of drinking coffee in the am, I eat chocolate.
~ I’ve been journaling for nearly 30 years; I’m also a compulsive list maker!
~ I use my refrigerator like a bulletin board. It’s covered with “stuff.”

Someday soon I’ll post a pic.

Although not always easy…I say…let’s embrace, without apology, our quirks, our weird, our wonderful “us-ness.” I’m here with you on this wild, bumpy, challenging, staying-on-our-own-side ride ❤

What were you made to feel “weird” about that you now embrace?


Thank you @sincerelynicolerose / Sincerely Media for so generously
sharing your awesome photography.