The Drunk Hamster
October 8, 2020
There is no sense talking about ‘being true to yourself’ until you are sure what voice you are being true to.”
Marion Woodman
We ALL have a loving, kind voice inside (often hard to hear!) AND a cranky, crabby, critical voice (I call this voice in me, The “Drunk Hamster”). We can learn to doubt, disrupt and disengage from this snarky, yapping, critical voice.
We can instead practice trusting and being true to our intuition, our Kind Mind; we can stay on our own side. Instead of “Spinning” on the hamster wheel of the mind, we can notice: When we ask our kindest self, *What needs my attention now?* the answer is never “Worry, diet, obsess, be perfect, believe your fears!”
What voice are you being true to?