eme with words You are enough. You are Worthy. Your best is enough. Read that again. @bloorwestfleamarket

Make Space For…

Thanks to my new friends at @bloorwestfleamarket for this beautiful quote!

So many of us are feeling exhausted, depleted, depressed, anxious, sad, lonely. Not surprising in these challenging times! Please reach out if you need support! Please give yourself a break (many breaks). Be very gentle and kind w/yourself and others.

The most important Self-care = valuing yourself. Putting yourself first, making your needs, your SELF a priority. I know… so many things are pulling at you, so many people and projects competing for your time/attention.

Try: Giving yourSelf silly things that makes you feel a little joy, a little peace — Go for it!

I’ve been allowing my vanity to kick in after many many, makeup-less months.  Playing with my Gua Sha tools. Reconnecting with my curls.  Even dressing up sometimes to go…nowhere.

Why? Because it just feels good!

Dancing, everyday in the house (my pup loves it!) — shifts my energy immediately.

Remember: Having more time for you, being able to give attention to what lights you up will make you stronger, calmer, happier, a better mom, partner, friend. You are worthy — even when you feel down. You are worthy even when nothing seems to be working. And—You/we are always, always enough.

How do you talk yourself out of giving *good things* to you?