Image of an empty bathtub with a painting of a pink layer cake above.

When Can We Eat the Effing Cake

What if this week, today, this moment, we listened for what we truly wanted to eat, and then let ourselves have it? Even knowing that when we do, The (Fearful) Yappy Mind will churn out big, loud stories claiming terrible things will happen if we loosen our grip on our “good/bad” food lists, if we eat whatever the eff we want.

But, what if we were bold? What If we say, This morning, I’m going to eat whatever I want.

Spoiler Alert:— This is what will happen: The Mind will make a big fuss, tear at its hair and yell, Omg, no! Terrible, horrible things will happen! Must not eat ______! The Mind will do its best to create a massive smoke screen of fear,

But what if we practice ignoring The Mind and its scary stories? What if we notice what actually happens (besides the fear), when we defy The Story and eat exactly what we want? When we stay present and notice, Wow, I ate this _____ (that The Mind said is bad) — And nothing terrible happened! I feel good, tummy happy, everything digesting well!

The Mind and its stories are good at making us feel afraid, unsure. AND… stuck…

Feeling afraid does not mean something is bad, or bad for you, or dangerous.

When you feel fear, it only means — you’re being brave and badass. You’re challenging an old idea/belief. You’re trying something new. Hell Yes & YAY!!!

Where/when have you practiced ignoring The Mind and listening to

Image used w/permission of artist: Dreaming of Cake! Artist: Linda Barnby (@linda.barnby) 18”x24” on paper.